Do you still squirm when someone says, "you can't do that!?" Granted, you probably hear it much less often as an adult than you did as a child, but I still have pretty vivid memories of what it was like to constantly worry about getting in trouble for something I wasn't allowed to do.

Most of us enter adulthood with an idea of what it means to be an "adult." You wake up every morning, go to work, get paid, pay your bills, and do other adult-y things like laundry and grocery shopping. Right?

Many of us go to college, get a job, and then... what? Are we expected to do the same thing day in and day out until we retire? That's what I used to think. I thought once you decided on a career path that's just what you did from that point on. For me, that meant deciding I was going to be a psychologist (which I still very much love).

But guess what... I have other things I enjoy doing! You probably also have more than one interest or hobby, right? I'm here to remind you that it's okay to have a passion for more than one thing and that you are allowed to even make money from more than just one job. You also don’t have to let 18-year-old-you dictate your entire career path. It makes sense that your interests will change with age and experience. 


I had the pleasure of speaking to Dr. Ronit Levy on her podcast, Business In Between. We talked about the idea of giving yourself permission to pursue the things that are important to you and not get sucked into perfectionism which can often be paralyzing.

If you love doing many different things and maybe even consider yourself a 'Jack/Jill of all trades,' or on the flip side, have always been afraid to pursue something new or different, this episode is for you.

I also share a bit more about myself and how I started creating mindfulness courses, and I give several concrete steps you can take to start something new, too.  

You ARE allowed to do that. Give yourself permission to try.

Therapy is a great place to explore a new career path or experiment with different interests and hobbies. I help many clients identify their core values so they can explore interests that are aligned with them now - whatever stage of life they’re currently in. Whether you’re struggling to figure out what you want to do straight out of school or thinking about trying something different, book a free 15-minute phone consultation to see if individual sessions with me are right for you.